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One of the greatest joys in the world is to look at a newborn baby. Those innocent smiles can melt the darkest of hearts and displays the wonder of god’s creation. Once the baby is born, we put in immense efforts to make sure proper nutrition is provided in the form of breast milk to the baby. Also, the new mothers must have a proper diet to have good health for the baby as well as herself. She had to endure excruciating pain during labour and the sudden detachment from her baby also has chances of increasing the onset of post-partum depression in her. These conditions make it vital to create a feasible environment for the holistic development and nourishment of the mother and her baby. 

This article gives a detailed list of all the foods and intakes which a kid and the new mother must have to maintain proper nutrition and wholistic development of them both. The initial diet for a newborn is the mother’s milk. There cannot be any substitute for that. Though many prefer formula feed, it is inadvisable to go for any other artificial feed as it is against nature. Usually, when the child starts turning 6 months, the introduction of solids is celebrated. The process is generally slow to set their guts for the solid food after only drinking milk. 

As breast milk plays a major role in the development of the baby, new mothers who are breastfeeding the child must consider a few points. The list of foods that aid in breast milk production, as well as added nutrition, is given in the list below. 

This is the stage where you must make your diet and plate greener. Green leafy vegetables are the source of iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals. They are rich in antioxidants and are an excellent source of calcium and Vitamin A. you can add garlic to these leafy vegetables and can also add garlic to any food item we consume. Garlic plays a major role in increasing milk production and also shields you from external microbes by strengthening your immune system.

No supplement can play an alternative role to fruits and vegetables. Though, usually, fruit juices are preferred by kids and adults, consuming fruits as it is the best way to assimilate the vital nutrients into the system. Though the juice may taste bland at times, it is useful if you quit adding artificial sweeteners to the drink. Drinking lots of fluids helps in keeping the internals clean and your body energetic. It keeps you well hydrated and replenishes the minerals in the system.

Eggs are the highly preferred storehouse of Vitamin – D. Being a great source of protein, eggs are extremely important for bone and muscle development. This must be on the top list for new moms. When it comes to meat, lean meats are a great source of DHA and other essential fatty acids. A new mom needs diets which will help in her recovery. This is where lean meats like fish and chicken play a major role. New mothers are also prescribed to consume supplementary vitamins in their diet to compensate for any deficiency. With the digital revolution in pharma, medicines are also available online. Online pharmacies in the USA and similar pharmacies act as a service providers for multiple articles as well.

Those dietary recommendations must be followed, with immense discipline, it is also essential to add fitness into your daily routines. They help in the effective assimilation of the nutrients and body recovery. It is the exposure to the sunlight that makes bones stronger and the body and mind, resilient. 

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