Before we get into the details of how can make the best choice, let’s have some background and answer some questions like:-
- What is a desk booking software?
- Why do you need it?
- Where do you need it?
Let’s answer that one by one. Firstly a desk booking software empowers your employees to book a seat at your workplace. With 82% of employees showing their eagerness to return to work, Your workplace needs it to reach its full optimization potential. With hot desking booking, the space that your organization is used to its full potential.
Nearly every workplace that is coming out of the pandemic is looking at hybrid options and that makes hot desking an extremely important part of the workplace. This is because the workplaces have realized that it is the tool that can make their workplaces even more efficient. With the workforce coming to the workplace only when is needed, desk booking software allows the workplace to be much more flexible with the existing space. The same amount of space but a better amount of efficiency and ease.
How Hot Desking Works
Before we go to see what to look for in the best desk booking software for your workplace let’s have a general overview of how it works:-
Employees will through the web or a mobile app see visit the workplace map, this map will show them how many seats are available for booking, they will pick their desired seat and will get a confirmation for their booking.
This is a very simplified version of the process. Different office hoteling software has their own unique features that they offer with customizations.
Now that you have a little background let’s go through the things you should keep in mind when choosing a hot desk booking software for your workplace:-
1. Find Friends, Teams and Collaboration With Desk Booking Software
Hot desking booking can sound like a nightmare if you are presented with an idea that your seat could be anywhere and around anybody. An unfamiliar environment can be uncomfortable and will most definitely take a toll on productivity. Keeping this in mind your desk booking software should be capable of letting you book seats next to your friends and even book seats for the entire team together.
This would mean that even if the workplace has gone hybrid the office culture stays. Given the impact that office culture has on productivity and employees well being this is something that you should always consider. For better productivity, office culture and collaboration hot desking is the way forward.
2. Mobile and Web App
Make sure your employees have the freedom to pick what they use to book their desks. Mobile based apps can be extremely useful for things like on-spot booking while web apps offer a better platform for team booking. Office hoteling should be an easier way to manage employee traffic and optimize the workplace and mobile and web apps do exactly that.
3. Quick Check-ins & Seating Maps
The quicker the check-ins the faster the employees get to work and this translates into better productivity. Having a live seating map integrated into your desk booking software is also essential, it gives you live updates about the occupancy status of the workplace. Both these things along with the visitor registration system help the workplace reach new optimization standards.
4. Advanced Analytics On Our Desk Booking Software
The world today is run on analytics, and the world tomorrow would be even more dependent on it. So the desk booking software for your workplace should not be any different. Analytics allow you to get real time insights into employee usage and analyze your workplace to reach its full optimization potential. This in turn gives you the ability to manage your workplace in a much more efficient way.
5. Health and Safety
If we have learnt something from the pandemic that lasted nearly two years is that health and safety in public places are extremely important. The same goes for desk booking software, the same seat will be used for multiple people. So things like sanitation status of seats, avoiding crowding, screening before they enter the workplace and covid declarations are absolutely essential requirements for booking a desk booking software.
6. Desk Booking Software With Integrations Support
The most important thing while choosing a desk booking software is integration. New integrations are always coming and there is always something new getting added. All this helps in making a more dynamic workplace. The question that you shouldn’t forget to ask can this be integrated into your existing system. This becomes vital as having a completely new system built to accommodate one new system, desk booking software, in this case, wouldn’t be cost friendly for any workplace.
7. Simplicity and Security
Hot desking is a return to work solution for a lot of workplaces so choosing your desk booking software makes sure it’s easy to operate. Why is this essential? Employees don’t need a system that will increase their time to get to work and start working.
A complex office hoteling software might actually hamper the entire frictionless working experience. Instead of clarity, it might lead to more confusion. Security is something that workplaces are taking very seriously. The vast amount of data that will be collected through it can be misused. Make sure desk booking software meets all the security requirements and is compliant.
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8. Smart Desk Booking Rules With Veris Desks
Each workplace is different and has its own custom needs. The desk booking software that you do choose for your workplace should take that into account and smart deks booking rules in place.
- What does it look like?
You will have the power to make and enforce rules that are very specific to your workplace. You can allot spaces team wise, function wise and even block or allow access based on your own custom requirements.
9. Hybrid & Hot Desking Future
Hybrid and Hot desking is what the workplace of the future is built upon. Given the efficiency that hot desking has offered its become something, all workplaces are looking to adapt and with so many options coming up it’s important you know your needs and finds the right office hoteling software for your workplace. Veris has been the industry leader and understands what exactly hybrid workplaces of the future need and has made its desk booking software keeping that in mind.