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Career Path: Real Estate Developer

Becoming a real estate developer deals with different challenging tasks that you can encounter when you enter this industry field. Nowadays, people are competing to get the attention of the clients, which is a normal business as usual. For some reason, though there is a challenging task, the end result that you can get will be both financially and personally rewarding on your end.

This is the question I have been receiving or heard from other people, and I quote, “Does it really need to have a certain education path for you to be considered as a real estate developer?” well, to be honest, you do not need any career path nor any certain rule book that mandates you to become like this and that! It’s a matter of experience and how you translate those experiences into advertising yourself to your clients. So don’t be worried about that.

To make things not confusing, neither real estate broker nor agent is different from the roles and responsibilities of what a developer usually does every day. It’s a new task. If you are still new to this kind of field, then I have included the functions of being a developer in this industry.

Roles and Responsibilities

Before anything else, this is only based on what I’ve usually practiced and seen; but this will be helpful as your guide and to grasp the basic understanding of what real estate developers do.

  1. Keep track of construction data
  2. Funds the project
  3. Responsible for obtaining permits regarding the project
  4. From start to the beginning of the project, the real estate developer must always be present

These are just a few from the bigger perspective of the roles and responsibilities of becoming a real estate developer; however, what differs them from those brokers and agents are they purchase the land, then they build a property or renovate, and the last step is to sell those land to those interested investors. So it’s just like buy and sell but in a different context.

Interesting, isn’t it? Yes, definitely, it’s interesting in some way that you get to see the whole process from the beginning up until the end. But as mentioned in the first paragraph, yes, there are challenges, but the end is worth the wait.


Speaking of challenges, even though I tackled education does not matter at all, but if you are someone whose passion is into this drive, I highly recommend these fields that you can consider to succeed in this field fully.

  1. Construction
  2. Law
  3. Finance

These are also the few among the many possibilities of getting in touch with this field. But what matters is from going to pursue an education is to obtain a degree from finance or any business course related so that you can already earn a piece of knowledge from the start of doing business matters and somehow encapsulate how to market these products.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, a real estate developer should be added to your bucket list! Though this is maybe new, the end result of achieving it ideally will be your motivator to push and continue this kind of profession. Your experience will also add to your resume, which means that the employer will be highly impressed. It is a matter of experience! Use this as a stepping stone, and I hope you’ll take the field as your profession in the future.



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