Apple Mobile or Android: Which One is the Most Addictive Smartphone?

Smartphone addiction is a common problem today. People of each sector or age have their mobile phones. All of us have Apple mobile phones or other android mobile phones as these are the popular ones in the market. Both smartphones have their processors and operating systems which differentiates them on another level. However, the brand has nothing to do with the addition of people and their smartphones. No matter which brand smartphone you are using you can get addicted to it if you do not control it in time.
Using a mobile phone for every activity that we do daily is another reason that we might get addicted to it. However, we also have the option to sell old mobile online and buy a new one. This urge increases even more when we see that a new mobile phone has been launched with the latest features.
How and why do we get addicted to the device we use?
There are ample reasons that we get addicted to a device. These reasons were simple ones but yet we do not notice them as they built over time
- Daily usage
We cannot deny the fact that we need a smartphone in our daily lives. All our work or other entertainment purposes are related to smartphones. You cannot keep your smartphone away from you even for a single day. There are going to be a lot of people who will try to contact you in the meantime. However, this daily usage of our mobile phones gets us into a pattern. We do not even realize it when we get stuck in it. That is why it can feel weird when our mobile phone is not around us but we have to control this urge. You can also feel frustrated while your cell phone has gone for its mobile repair service. This is a great time to keep it away if you do not have a spare phone.
- Dependency
Dependency on electronic devices or technology is human behavior. We are dependent on our mobile phones for so many activities. For example, you set an alarm clock, set a reminder, or track daily food steps on the mobile phone. It has so many features in it that we become so dependent on it. With the launch of our touchscreen mobile phones and virtual assistants, it has become even easier to command with the voice itself. You don’t have to move anywhere or even use your hands and you can just command the voice assistant to perform any activity on your smartphone. The cycle of dependency must be restricted to prevent smartphone addiction.
- Our only daily companion
We love to hang out with friends or family but that might not always be possible if you are far away from them. People have to travel far away to different cities in search of work which can make a great difference in their lives. The only companion daily is there on the smartphone. Using the smartphone people forget about any other problems are there been going through. Smartphones as like a distraction with the help of the internet and other browsing websites. Social media or online platforms for entertainment are one of the main sources of smartphone addiction.
Simple solutions to prevent the addiction grow
- Limit the screen time
Smartphone users have the advantage of observing the screen time that they have been on their mobile phones. The screen time can be found in the settings menu of your smartphone and will let you know how much time is spent on the mobile phone each day of the week. It will also display all applications and the time you have been using them. This is a great way to track your activities and limit the usage of smartphones. It might be different for each person as the application usage can also differ. Try to cut down on the screen time slowly and you will be habitual about it.
- Detox
Detox is just like a refreshment. Whenever you are on a vacation and do not need a mobile phone for work, it is a perfect time to detox. Detoxing of the mind is as equal to the toxin of your body. It can give you a sense of assessment and also let your mobile phone rest. Try to find interesting activities which do not include your mobile phone in them. This is just another way that is simple yet hard to execute.
Knowing your activities is incredible if you are trying to improve your patterns. If you are unable to track the screen time or any other activities you might want to see other options. Outdated mobile phones can be one of the reasons that you want to give your old mobile phone away. However, you can sell old mobile phones with quick mobile sell options Tu earns something against it.