Arm Exercises Without Weights

We get it: You’ve got a lot on your plate right now! Career, family, friends, travel, that book club pick you still haven’t checked out of the library (much less finished) (much less finished). With so much going on, it can be difficult to find the time to go to the gym. The good news is that you don’t have go to the gym to get toned arms. Here are some of our favourite arm exercises for women that will help you slim your arms fast at home to lose arm fat without weights — on your own time.. The days of flabby arms are over!
1. Arm circles
In order to quickly slim down your arms, this exercise targets your triceps, biceps and shoulders.
Make small, fast circles with your arms in front of you while keeping your feet flat on the ground and your arms extended out to the side at a 90-degree angle.
Reverse the motion and repeat it as many times as you can in order to complete the circuit.
Repeat two more times, then take a break.
If you must sit, keep your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.
In your shoulders, you’ll notice the effects of this exercise. Keep your abdominal muscles pulled in and tight to do more rotations. We recommend using our Restore Stretch & Massage Kit for those who are just starting out to help alleviate tight, knotted muscles in the shoulders.
2. Tricep dip
Grip the edge of the seat with your hands and stretch out your legs in front of you while sitting in a chair.
Make sure your feet are flat on the ground, your arms are bent behind you, and your body is extended above the ground by moving your entire body forward.
Use your triceps to slowly raise and lower your body.
Do three sets of 15 each.
3. Inverted row
You’ll work your biceps with this exercise. While I’m at work, I do this exercise on my breaks to quickly slim down my arms.
You must be able to reach something while lying on the ground to complete this exercise. I prefer to rest my head on a coffee table or a sturdy chair.
Pull your upper body off the ground, hold for a few seconds, and then lower yourself back down to the ground.
Do as many as you can, then do it again for good measure.
Although this exercise may seem out of the ordinary at first, you’ll soon notice how well it works your biceps.
4. Push-ups
The push-up is one of the most effective ways to build upper-arm strength, as well as a stronger core.
Push-ups can only be performed successfully if your body is aligned correctly.
Make sure you keep your feet together, with your toes pointing down, and your arms shoulder-width apart. The length of your body should be parallel to the ground at all times while performing this exercise. Flatten your hips and back.
Keep your elbows bent and lower yourself to within an inch or so of the floor while maintaining this alignment. Place a yoga block under each hand to intensify the stretch and increase the intensity of your core workout.
Then go backwards and do it again.
In the early stages of your push-up training, it may be best to keep your knees bent and your weight supported by thighs (not your knees) rather than knees.
5. Pull-ups
Pull-ups are a great upper-body exercise because of all the advantages they provide. The muscles in your arms, chest, shoulders, and the sides of your back can all benefit from using these workout routines. Because pull-ups require you to lift your entire body weight, you may need a partner to assist you in raising your body to a horizontal bar.
Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the horizontal bar when doing pull-ups.
When your chin is just above the bar’s height, raise your body.
Then take a few deep breaths and come back to your starting position.
6. Plank
In yoga, plank pose is part of theSun Salutations sequence, but you can slim your arms fast at home without weights by simply holding the pose or by incorporating more difficult variations of it..
To work your arms, you’ll need to do a push-up with your body horizontal to the ground for at least 30 seconds.
In order to maintain a straight back, you must ensure that both of your wrists are directly under your shoulders.
By keeping your forearms flat against the ground, you can make this pose more difficult for yourself by bringing your elbows to a seated position and using your arm muscles throughout the pose.
7. Downward Dog
Sun Salutation pose Downward Dog is another arm-toning pose in the series. With your heels pressed down or close to the floor and hands flat on the floor, you will form a reverse V-shape in this pose. With your hips pushed back, your spine should form a straight line toward the ground. To maintain the reverse V-shape, you may need to bend your knees.
Make sure you’re not rounding your back by using your arms to push your weight back toward your heels. As in plank pose, lowering your forearms to the ground and holding the position is a great way to challenge yourself.
8. Handstands and Headstands
Handstands and headstands are more than just balancing exercises. You’ll need a lot of upper-arm strength to keep your body in the correct position in both of these positions
If you’re a novice when it comes to headstands and handstands, you can do both positions against a wall until you work up the strength (and courage) to perform the positions without the wall’s assistance.
In both positions, you’ll also need to use your core muscles, keeping your belly drawn in, to maintain balance.
To get in the headstand position, crouch down in front of a wall (cleared of any furniture, hanging pictures, or other obstacles) and clasp your hands together with your elbows about shoulder-width apart.
You’ll rest your head between your elbows in this position.
In order to get your legs against the wall, lift them one at a time.
As you hold this pose, make an upward, lifting motion with your arm muscles to keep your chin off the floor.
When doing handstands, keep your gaze fixed on the floor and lift your legs to the wall while keeping your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor. Use your arm strength to keep your elbows straight.
In order to get out of a hand or headstand, first lower one leg, then the other.
While it takes time and dedication to develop long, lean arm muscles without the use of weights, these simple arm exercises, combined with a healthy diet, will have your arms reaching for your favourite strapless dress for your next night out!
Arm exercises without weights are a great way to improve arm strength and tone. They are also a great way to get in shape without having to go to the gym. There are many different arm exercises that can be done without weights, so there is something for everyone. So, if you are looking for a way to improve your arm strength and tone, give arm exercises without weights a try!