It’s a common belief that music calms the soul. Just listening to music has many benefits, but learning to play an instrument can be even more rewarding. Playing a guitar is a great way to express yourself and really focus on something you love.
It requires patience, perseverance and dedication.
No matter if we develop musical skill or not, learning to play an instrument can benefit you in a variety of fantastic and unexpected ways. In this post, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of learning to play an instrument with generous input from the fine folks at Nordoff Robbins.
It builds self-confidence Learning to play an instrument can boost your confidence. As you become more skilled and your playing becomes more natural, your confidence will grow. Learning new skills and noticing your success will make you feel confident and this will show in all aspects of your life.
It will teach you valuable skills
Knowing how to play an instrument is a useful skill and makes you a better person. Even if you don’t end up performing, you can play just for the love of it. It’s an interesting skill to talk about and you never know when it will come in handy.
It sharpens your concentration Learning to play an instrument can do wonders for your concentration. Researchers from the University of St Andrews said their findings show that musicians are more likely to pick up on mistakes and correct them. Playing an instrument requires deep focus and concentration as it is easy to make mistakes.
You must focus on several things at once.
With regular lessons and playing on your own, you will improve your ability to concentrate. Children who learn an instrument, for example, often find it easier to concentrate in school. Increases memory capacity Did you know that learning an instrument increases your memory capacity? There is a lot of research that proves this to be the case.
It helps in the development of children
Learning to play an instrument can have a huge impact on a child’s development, both academically and of course in terms of self-esteem. Playing an guitar and reading music requires you to use different skills, all of which are beneficial to your development and mental capacity. It has also been demonstrated that music instruction benefits kids’ reading abilities.
It keeps your mind sharp as you age
According to a study published by the American Psychological Association, playing an instrument in childhood sharpens the mind as we age. It helps prevent dementia, and according to the Emory University School of Medicine, “Because learning an instrument requires years of practice and learning, it can create alternative connections in the brain that can compensate for cognitive decline as we age.”
It’s good for your mental health
Listening to music helps concentration and reduces stress and anxiety. Playing a guitar regularly can also help reduce stress levels by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. It is very restorative and relaxing and once you start playing you will feel the benefits immediately. If you have a lot of anxious thoughts like I do, try playing up and down the A minor pentatonic scale so you don’t make mistakes. Your mind will be completely diverted from your thoughts.