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Cost of Liver Transplant in Pakistan

Liver Transplant in Pakistan

Liver Transplant in Pakistan

A liver transplant is a procedure that replaces a patient’s diseased liver with a healthy liver from a living or deceased donor in whole or in part. Those who suffer liver failure and are unable to control their disease with other treatments should consider a liver transplant. Today in this article we will look at the cost of liver transplants in Pakistan and who needs these transplants.

Who Requires A Liver Transplant

A liver transplant is a procedure that replaces a patient’s diseased liver with a healthy liver from a living or deceased donor in whole or in part. Those who suffer liver failure and are unable to control their disease with other treatments should consider a liver transplant. The following disorders can cause chronic liver failure, forcing the patient to consider a liver transplant:
Liver specialists or surgeons decide if a person is eligible for a liver transplant or not.

Advantages of a Liver Transplant

Liver transplant helps to save Many people’s lives. It can also help those with metabolic diseases enhance their quality of life. The following are some of the other advantages:

Recovery After Liver Transplant

Around 70% of persons who have a liver transplant live for at least five years, according to estimates. Your chances of a successful liver transplant and long-term survival are dependent on the following factors. Furthermore, persons who receive a liver from a living donor have a higher short-term survival rate than those who receive a liver from a deceased donor. You can anticipate the following after a liver transplant:
After your liver transplant operation, you should feel completely healed in six months or longer

Liver Transplant Cost in Pakistan

In Pakistan, the cost of a liver transplant ranges from PKR 3 million to PKR 5 million. It varies based on the surgeon performing the procedure, the materials utilized, and the amount of money spent in the hospital.

Evaluation Process for Liver Transplant

If your doctor believes you could benefit from a liver transplant, he or she will recommend you to a transplant facility for further examination. You can find transplant centers can in a variety of hospitals across the country.

The transplant evaluation process includes:

Psychological and social evaluation . The specialists will assess several issues. They include stress, financial concerns, and whether you will have support from family or friends after your surgery.
Blood tests . These tests help to help find a good donor match and assess your priority on the waiting list. They can also help improve the chances that your body won’t reject the donor liver.
Diagnostic tests . Tests help to check your liver and your general health. These tests may include X-rays, ultrasounds, a liver biopsy, heart and lung tests, colonoscopy, and dental exams. Women may also have a Pap test, gynecology exam, and a mammogram.

The transplant center team will review all your information. Who is eligible for a liver transplant varies by transplant institution.

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