How Challenging Is the PMP Certification Exam in 2022?

Understanding PMP: The Project Management Institute (PMI) coined the phrase or course – the Project Management Professional – in 1984. (PMP). And over time, the certification has grown in popularity across industries, with companies beginning to skim through resumes to hire PMP professionals.
According to the PMI report, there are over 1,000,000 PMP certification holders worldwide.
Isn’t that shocking?
Hold on; the narrative isn’t ended yet; there’s still more to be shocked off.
Although over a million project managers, this does not indicate that certification is simple to get. PMP Certification is the most difficult for candidates who want to work in project management.
Reason: As a globally recognized certification, the PMP credential test assesses your degree of skill in project management. Its extensive syllabus, complicated question patterns, mind-boggling MCQs, and lengthy duration make it one of the world’s most difficult project management tests.
Furthermore, PMI has established severe prerequisites that you must meet before taking the test.
The PMP Certification Exam
PMI assures that the PMP test is routinely changed and updated to reflect current project management trends. The test used to include five knowledge categories until 2020. However, according to the Exam Content Outline, announced in 2019, the exam will encompass three domains that assess the individual’s knowledge and aptitude to succeed in over 20 project management abilities beginning in 2021.
These modifications have resulted in incorporating techniques such as Agile, Waterfall, and Hybrid into testing policies.
Several applicants have described the PMP test as a rollercoaster ride. The exam format consists of 180 combination-type questions, 15 of which are pre-test or unscored.
Who Should Pursue the PMP Certification?
If you want to work in project planning and execution, the PMP Certification is for you. However, if you wake up one fine morning and decide to pursue a career in project management and try to schedule dates for the PMP test, that will not work.
The PMP, a prestigious credential, would be meaningless if it were easy to obtain. To begin your pursuit of the certificate, you must have at least eight years of professional job experience in a project-based context. Furthermore, this experience must be consistent with the knowledge, abilities, and activities outlined in the PMP Exam Content Outline.
How Difficult Is the PMP Exam?
The difficulty of the PMP exam is the most recent hot subject in the project management world. According to recent statistics, the failure rate for first-timers is 40-50 percent, with the percentage decreasing with each consecutive exam completed.
Though many of you may argue that PMP examinations are thorough and up to date, they frequently cause higher failure rates. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
Every question on the test is graded based on its complexity, which implies that even if you get all the simple questions right, you may still flunk the test. Because the questions are arranged at random, you will have no idea which ones are simple and which are difficult.
Furthermore, there is no set amount of questions that must be answered properly to pass the test. In other words, PMP is similar to gambling.
What are some more reasons why the PMP test is difficult?
Length of resources/materials: The PMP exam is based on PMBOK Guide Ed 6. And the PMBOK Guide alone is a large amount of content that cannot be covered in a single day or two. With careful time management and a lot of effort, you can gain a basic to an in-depth understanding of the topics. Though the exam does not cover everything, it is important to be familiar with all of the concepts in each area.
Examine the structure’s complexity: Developing a conceptual framework for the Guide is difficult. Most of the questions cannot be answered only based on your reasoning or what your experiences have taught you. As a result, it is best to refer to the PMI’s standard.
How Do I Obtain PMP Certification?
The methods for acquiring PMP Certification are as follows:
Go to and fill out the registration form to become a member.
To satisfy the certification criteria, complete 35 hours of project management training.
Online scheduling of the PMP test
Make sure you take the exam within a year after obtaining your permission notice. The test cannot be taken more than three times in the same year.
Take the test.
Finally, consider the following:
It is not hidden that the PMP test is difficult, and the best approach to earning the certification is to fully study for the exam. In contrast to other credential examinations, the PMP exam covers many project management topics and goes beyond the essentials covered in preliminary exams.