How To Care For Your Mental Health In The IB

The IBDP is known for its pressure-filled as well as the students’ overall inability to sleep. It’s no surprise that these conditions do not promote healthy mental health. IBDP students are more susceptible to anxiety and stress and, in extreme instances, this could result in burning out. It is extremely difficult to deal with these issues, however certain mental health routines have been proven to lower stress and assist students manage the overwhelming workload and stress that comes with the DP. Ib board provides the Ib online tutor , So it is not so hard to pass the exams.
Disclaimer: These rituals are a substitute for professional advice. If you’re experiencing difficulties in the area of mental illness, it is recommended that you seek out professionals. These routines are intended to ease stress and pressure, however, when they’re not working for you, take the initiative to seek advice from a trained mental health expert.
A journal can help tremendously in organising your thoughts. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by IB deadlines, exams, CAS-related activities as well as personal issues, college applications, and more. A journal that notes down these thoughts can help students stay organised and has been proven to decrease stress by a significant amount. Journals can also be adaptable. For instance, some people keep organized journals, with plans, lists of things to do as well as calendars, habit trackers and calendars and others simply utilize them to express their thoughts. Writing down your thoughts that stress you can help reduce anxiety and allows you to think about your actions.
2-Remaining grateful
Practice gratitude as a method to decrease anxiety and stress. It’s easy to get distracted by the negative thoughts and stresses of life. Sometimes, we feel like we have nothing to be content with or anticipate. Making a list of some of the things you are thankful for each day helps you to develop a more positive attitude towards life, allowing you to feel more content and have more to look at. You can also practise self-gratification, either by writing or speaking to yourself in front of the mirror. You can also say five positive things about yourself to help you appreciate yourself more. It is also possible to engage in gratitude with your family and acquaintances, by saying positive things about one another each day. Being grateful is essential to being positive about your IB as well as has proven to boost your motivation during your day-to-day tasks.
It’s a simple one, yet often neglected. Exercise increases serotonin and endorphins in the brain , which makes people feel more content. Additionally, it helps you sleep more soundly, which plays an important part to improve your mood. Physical exercise also helps you to get rid of any negative emotions you may have and release them to feel more relaxed. “Activity” is an integral component of IB CAS requirements because of this reason. Knowing the benefits of exercise and physical exercise can help make CAS experience a more pleasant experience and lessen stress and the potential for mental health issues.
4-Following a routine
The practice of having a routine for your day can be very beneficial in reducing stress and creating healthy habits. A plan for the day will help ease the anxiety of unpredictability and the feeling of panic when you’ve got a lot to accomplish but have little idea of where to begin the task. Additionally, having a consistent schedule helps encourage healthy habits and decreases the pressure of having to finish many tasks in the evening before a deadline.
5-Set small, achievable goals
Instead of viewing things as a large task, break them into smaller , achievable targets to gain satisfaction. The tasks tend to appear more complicated when they aren’t. “Write Extended Essay” is an extremely difficult task, and could overwhelm you quite easily. You’re more likely to delay the task If you view the entire task but you are able to break it down into smaller parts to make it easier. When writing the extended essay, it is possible to divide it into different phases of your research, or by sections and paragraphs, or by the amount of words you write every day. The process of completing these tasks will give you the satisfaction of completing them and boost your confidence to finish other tasks.
6-Make sure you get enough rest
IB students are well-known for their inability to sleep because of their workload. However, sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. Averaging 7-8 hours of rest each night can reduce anxiety and stress. Furthermore, it gives you the motivation to get through your day. Instead of pulling an all-nighter sleeping in. Getting enough rest improves concentration and focus, allowing you to work and study on projects more efficiently with shorter durations. Furthermore, this can aid in improving your mental health dramatically.
If you make a conscious effort to incorporate these principles aspects of your life, the anxiety and stress levels can be drastically reduced. If, however, you’re having issues with your mental health you should seek out an expert. In most cases, your country has an online resource site with resources for national use for issues with mental health. Ib also provides the Extended essay help online. These practices are crucial in taking better care of your mental health and allowing you to finish the IB without stress.