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How to Grow the Broad Beans ( Fava Beans) in India

Fava Beans

Broad beans are also known as fava beans, are a cool-season crop that thrive well in temperatures of 60 to 65℉ (15-18 degrees Celsius). But fava beans will cook in temperatures as low as 40°F (4.4°C) and as hot as 75°F (24°C). Sow broadleaf beans in early spring as soon as soil can be worked for harvesting before the weather warms. Broad beans require 80 – 100 days to harvest. Sow broadleaf beans in early autumn for a winter harvest in mild-winter areas.

About Broad Beans( Fava Beans)

Description – 

Broad bean is a hardy, bushy annual that can grow up to 3 to 4½ feet (.9-1.3m) tall. Broad beans have square stems in which the leaves are divided into leaves. The pods are 6 to 8 inches (15–20 cm) long and contain 4 to 6 flattened, oval seeds that may be white, yellow, green, or pinkish-red. The broad beans have brown and white flowers. Broad bean is not a true bean, related to vetch, another legume.

Note – 

When you begin the plant to sow something, you need to know various most important sections that would be helpful in profitable business farming. As we can provide the information related to tractors which are more reliable in fava beans. We can recommend the Mahindra Arjun 605 tractor that is helpful in tillage to harvest in these beans farming.

Planting Fava Beans

Site – 

Broad beans can grow in full sun. Plant broad beans in loose, well-drained, loose soil rich in organic matter. Before planting, farmers must add aged compost to planting beds. Broad beans prefer a pH of soil of 6.0 to 6.8.

Sowing time – 

Broad beans grow best in cool climates where air temperatures are below (21°C) 70°F. Unlike snap beans, broad beans will not set pods in hot weather. You can use the soil as soon as you sow broadleaf beans in early spring. Broad beans can grow in temperatures as low as 40°F (4.4°C). They require 80 – 100 days to reach the harvest. Sow broadleaf beans in early autumn for a winter or spring harvest in mild-winter areas. They will not produce in the summer heat. Where winters are mild, plant broadleaf beans in the fall for a spring harvest. In the colder regions, grow broad beans instead of lima beans, which require a warm and long growing season.

Planting and spacing – 

Sow broad beans 1 inch deep and 4 to 5 inches (10-12 cm) apart. Space rows 18 – 30 inches (45-76cm) apart. Thin shoots stand 8 to 10 inches (20-25 cm.) apart. In short-season areas, start broadleaf beans indoors in peat pots and set them in the garden shortly after the last frost in spring.

Companion plants – 

strawberries, celery, Potatoes, cucumbers, corn, summer savory. Do not plant broad beans with garlic or onion.

Container growing –  

Farmers can grow beans in containers, but a good crop will take more space than most containers can provide.

Caring for Fava Beans

Water and feed – 

Water the beans just before the soil dries out, but don’t overwater them. Keep the soil moist during pod formation and flowering. Plant the beans in well-drained soil. Broad beans do not require feeding except when planted in fertile, composted soil. The beans established a mutual exchange with soil microorganisms called nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which help them produce usable nitrogen.

Pests – 

Beans can be attacked by bean beetles, aphids, flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites. Spray the aphids away with one blast from the hose. You can control flea beetles and bean beetles with sticky traps. Discard leafhoppers with horticultural wool or spray with insecticidal soap, and mites can be controlled. 

Diseases – 

Pods are susceptible to blight, mosaic, and anthracnose. Reduce disease outbreaks by planting disease-resistant varieties. Keep the garden clean. Farmers should avoid handling the plants when they are wet. Remove and destroy infected plants so that they do not spread disease to healthy plants. You can reduce soil-borne diseases by changing the location of bean crops each year.

Fava Beans – How to Harvest

Fava Beans – How to Dry 

Fava Beans – How to Store & Preserve 

Need the Equipment in the Fava Beans Farming

When you want to get knowledge about fava beans farming, you must also know the equipment that will help increase the yield. Rotavator, cultivator, tiller, and tractor are important in every farming. However, the tractor is the most pivotal among all the equipment. Hence we recommend the Mahindra 585 tractor for fava beans farming in India.

For the above knowledge about the fava beans farming Business, stay tuned with us.

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