Qeepsake Help Capture and Preserve Memories to Cherish for a Lifetime!

You must have heard that ‘you only live once;’ thus, capturing memories that can be cherished for a lifetime is vital.
Indeed, no two days are the same, so why not make them memorable?
Have you ever imagined a life with a monotonous routine? In the race to acquire success in a career, manage relationships, and whatnot, who would want to get lost in the chaos?
These are precisely the blues that must be avoided, and fortunately, Qeepsake excels at doing the job!
So, are you interested in unveiling what the platform has to offer?
Then, continue reading for more!
A Journaling App Qeepsake Raised Millions in Its Seed Funding!
Qeepsake was initially founded in 2015 which directs questions to its end users on a daily basis that reflect on their lifestyle, parenting, etc. The audience then sends their responses in the form of text, video, and photos, which are then automatically put together as digital journals within the app.
To recall the backstory, the mobile app was discovered by two parents who wanted to create a secure service that would help other families store their precious moments.
This is not it!
The Qeepsake app enables its customers to turn these digital memories into custom-printed Qeepsake books. It is this unique feature that has helped the platform rope more than 700,000 registered users.
The Working Mechanism of the Qeepsake Application
Once a user has downloaded the Qeepsake app, the app prompts the user to add a nickname for the person they are creating a journal. The cherry on the cake is that the app enables a user to add multiple journals.
Further, the app asks the user about the number of prompts they want to receive in a day. Thus, a user is all set to use the app once the details are provided.
The app also comes with an additional membership program that costs about $47.88 per year and provides access to advanced features, unlimited journal entries, and more. The app also offers the ability to sync the app content with users’ social media accounts.
Undoubtedly, there are not many such apps in the market, which might be one of the reasons for Qeepsake to acquire a seed funding of $2 million.
What is your idea about developing a similar app that helps you obtain higher ROI?
If we are on the same page, here’s more for you to know!
Key Features of an Applaud-Worthy Journaling App
It might be your first time building such an app or getting into the digital space; thus, we don’t want you to miss out on any opportunity that can help you reap success.
Here are some of the best features you must leverage in your journaling app:
1. Simple Yet Unique User Interface
Be it a writing or photo storing journal app, the interface has to be clean and minimalist, so it enables app users to immediately utilize it for the purpose.
Additionally, in case the end user wants to store lengthy writing, the app must not present any limit to the same, and must have text editing features.
2. Audio Notes
There are many days that a user might not want to write due to various reasons! So how does the idea of recording and storing the same sound to you?
Indeed, it’ll impress your audience as well.
Incorporate a microphone button within the journal app that’ll allow your audience to record, and you may also leverage a feature that can transcribe the audio into text.
3. Photos and Videos
Photos and videos can be amalgamated with the premium feature that’ll enable the audience to add media along with any notes they want to make.
The feature especially can compliment travelling to pin up the travel pictures that may recite a thousand words about one’s experience.
4. Multiple Templates
Users would really appreciate a pinch of the template to set a theme to their diary or journal. Then, enable them to custom design their templates to capture the essence of entry within the app.
5. Tagging
A diary entry can be leveraged with multiple tags, and it is possible with the help of a tagging feature. Therefore, users can create as many tags as they like along with filtering them with the help of a search feature.
6. Publish
How does the idea of publishing your diary entry sound to you? One of the popular journals app that enables you to do so is ‘Day One,’ which gets a book printed for their users and does the international shipping as well.
In a Nutshell
Journaling is a personal activity, and it varies from person to person. Many people are fond of making diary entries to seek learning for the future and capture the essence of their day. Therefore, it is one of the best app development options for people who are now inclined to online services.
If you’re looking forward to developing a terrific app for your customers, don’t forget to hire a top mobile app development company in USA.
Have a great day and happy innovation!