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White elephant game: game rules and fun variations

White elephant game: game rules and fun variations

If you’re looking for ways to make your next family or work Christmas dinner more interactive, fun, and downright absurd, host a White Elephant Game! It is a variation It is a variation of the traditional game. Learn Vocabulary Words That Start With Y For Kids

A game to play with players ages nine and up,

If you don’t know how to play white elephant, imagine a run-of-the-mill gift-swapping game except you are allowed to steal the Batman coffee mug that Carl just unwrapped if you feel like it more than picking your own. Own mystery gift under the tree. Sounds a bit wild, right? But it’s the best of both worlds: the spirit of giving meets the confidence of taking.

All you need is a group of people ready for a fun game. At least four people should play, but the game works best with six or more people. Please note: the more people who play, the longer the game will last.

Before the swap, be sure to educate all participants of the rules of the white elephant game and guidelines for giveaways, such as spending limits or themes, so that everyone shows up with something. Appropriate. Then, once everyone has arrived, turn on some Christmas tunes, and let the game begin.

Where does the name of this game

The term white elephant refers to an extravagant and impractical gift. The phrase is believed to derive from the historical practice of the King of Siam (now Thailand) giving rare albino elephants to courtiers he disliked so that they could be ruined by the costs of maintaining the animals.

Receiving a white elephant from a monarch as a gift was both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because the animal was sacred and a sign of the monarch’s favor. But it was also a curse because sacred animals were not allowed to work and required special and expensive food and shelter. The unlucky recipient was left with a costly animal to maintain that he could not give or use practically, making the elephant a financial burden.

Today the term “white elephant” refers to an extravagant but impractical gift that is more of a burden than anything else. The unnecessary gift is also challenging to eliminate, where the white elephant game got its name.

Are there any limits to the game?

The white elephant can go on and on, so it’s best to have some limit: a gift can only be “stolen” three white elephant games: game rules and fun varieties, for example, or a person can only have something stolen from them three times at most…

Some variations also allow the person who drew the number “one” to be the last person to pick a gift after everyone has finished. The rules and limits for redeeming white elephant gifts are up to you and the party attendees. Just make sure you set them all before you start the game.

The white elephant is a game where everyone wins; each person ends up with a gift. Plus, the game itself is fun. What better gift than laughter?

Rules of the white elephant game

Each person must bring a wrapped gift. Have everyone draw a number. The person with the number “one” chooses a gift to unwrap. Cell with the number “two” has a choice: she can choose a new wrapped gift or take the first person’s unwrapped gift. If she takes advantage of the first person, she chooses another gift to unwrap.

  1. Each player brings a wrapped gift to contribute to a kind of standard “pot.” The game organizer should provide information on the type of giveaway (and the maximum and minimum price) people should bring.
  2. The players draw numbers to determine the order they will play.

Variants of the white elephant game

Although the above rules are as close as possible to the “original” version of the game, there is no right or wrong way to play. Over the years, many new ideas have been incorporated into the White Elephant game to keep the game moving and make it more strategic. Here are some tweaks/rule changes that many people use:

Three rallies and you are eliminated

If you get robbed three times during the game, you are out of play and can no longer be denied.

Three exchanges and the gift is eliminated

if a facility is stolen three times, it is out of the game, and the person who holds it can walk away with it.

No Extra Turn / No Extra Trade

Some people don’t allow the first player to trade at the end. If they do, the first person can deal once with no additional trades allowed.

Poem / Tale / Story

Instead of following the same set of rules each turn, players follow instructions given to them through a Christmas-themed poem or story. For example, the story can tell players to pass their gifts left or right or that men should give their skills to women.


The organizer may require people to bring a specific theme gift. However, the theme can be anything: ornaments, books, candy, crafts, Star Wars, etc.

Kitsch or Hideous

Add a real twist to this gift exchange by challenging players to find the most kitsch or hideous gift they can find. Next, establish a rule that everyone should display the assistance they receive in a prominent place in their home for an entire year!

Play with a Riddle

Players must decipher a riddle to choose a gift. If that seems too tricky or depends on the age of the participants, you can create a story with instructions that tell them when they will have a chance to play.

The best gifts for the white elephant game?

There are many different approaches to purchasing a “white elephant” gift. As long as you follow the suggested price (usually around 5, 10, or 20 euros) and the “special” instructions from the organizer, you can’t go wrong. That said, here are a few features to look for when looking for a gift.

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