Why art-lovers should explore Georgian Art?

The 11th-13th centuries were the golden years of Georgian art. In the 10th to 13th centuries, immortal monuments of Georgian architectural architecture were constructed.
The history of Georgian art goes back 4000 years. Archeological excavations have proven the existence of large centers for metallurgy within Georgia. The art of metalworking was developed over many centuries. The masterpieces of Georgian art include the Trialeti gold cups, Trialeti’s gold sculpture of the lion, and Akhalgori jewelry.
In 337, Georgia adopted Christianity as its state religion. This began a new era in architecture and art. Different branches of art, such as fresco painting and iconography, miniature decoration on manuscripts, chasing with gold or silver, enameling, and others, achieved a high level of development. The central domed structure, and the basilica are the two main forms of ecclesiastical construction that Georgia has seen since the ge4th Century. The remarkable examples of Georgia’s early medieval architecture are Sioni Church, Bolnisi, and Jvari Monastery, Mtskheta.
Georgian ecclesiastical art is one of Georgia’s most interesting aspects of Georgian Christian Architecture. It combines the classic dome style with the original basilica style to create what is called the Georgian Cross-Dome style. Cross-dome architecture was developed in Georgia in the 9th century. Before that, most Georgian churches had been basilicas. Georgian culture is strongly influenced by individualism, which is evident in the way that interior space is allocated to churches. You can also find other examples of Georgian ecclesiastical architecture outside of Georgia.
Georgian culture, arts and architecture
If you talk about Georgia’s culture, architecture is often the topic of conversation. It is home to many ancient buildings. These include sites of old towns and villages, churches, castles or bridges, as well as ancient buildings from the pre-antique period. While some of these buildings are just remnants from archaeological excavations, many of them still influence the appearance of villages and towns. The 19th-20th century settlements are particularly interesting and appealing. Many important buildings were built in the 20th Century, and architectural creativity continues to this day.
Every year, new archaeological monuments have been discovered. However, our understanding of the construction of antiquity or the antique age is still not complete. We can only say that some traditions date back to the 7th-5th century BC. They were passed down through generations and created amazing pieces of art. The square and round houses found in Kvemo are a result of this. Their planning principle (the main thing) and roofing (rising out of the walls, dome-like-in round houses, supported on pillars made of wooden beams-in square homes), were modified slightly by the “Darbazi” who lived in villages in Eastern and Southern Georgia at the start of the 20th century.
These buildings can be found in some ancient towns from the Hellenistic Age as well as in abandoned settlements in the Borjomi area of the 8th-10th century. Similar houses were also built in Western Georgia during the antique age. In Western Georgia, however, more primitive, but still centrally located, square and circular huts were constructed. It is important to note that such compactness and erectness are a hallmark of Georgian architecture in the Middle Ages and New Times.
Influence of Christianity
At least one year after Georgia adopted Christianity as its state religion, the building of churches must have started in Georgia. in the first half the 4th century. According to Georgian chronicles most of the first churches were built in Greece by masters (i.e. Greek-speaking countries). They have yet to be found in Eastern or Southern Georgia. Some clearly imported buildings from the 4th-5th century were found in Western Georgia. For example, they were found in Bichvinta, which was originally “Potius”, a Roman settlement, and later Byzantine, and in Nakalakevi (considered to be Lazika’s capital).
Despite the fact that there were many of these buildings in the beginning, they didn’t determine the type or historical path of Georgian church architecture. Georgian architecture in general. These features were required by clergy to perform religious services in Georgian churches. They share a commonality with all Christianity, its eastern parts, and, later, with Orthodox churches. However, these requirements were adapted to the individual’s tastes and cultural background. The most striking difference between churches in Georgia and those of many Christian countries is the lack of recognition of Georgia’s ancient heritage. Although there are many elements that are common to Iranian art, they are less frequent. However, even these elements are significantly modified in the second half the 5th century.
Medieval Ages
Domed churches have been more prominent in Georgia and eastern Christendom since at least the beginning of the 6th Century. The oldest are the symmetrical structures made of tetraconch, which is part of the “free cross” plan. Since the middle of the 6th Century architects have shifted from simple buildings to multi-partiteness. They seek out the distinct parts of primary and second importance within a balanced whole. This effort culminated in the “Jvari” or Cross (Cross), Cathedral in Mtskheta (586-604) which is a masterpiece of Georgian and global architecture. The harmonious balance of all the parts and harmony with nature are achieved. However, the artistic solution to the inner space is also in harmony, something that was not possible in the architecture of Georgian or other regions of Christendom.
The creative forces rose again at the end of the tenth and first third of eleventh centuries. After that, the period of settling down and abating followed. The so-called “three great cathedrals”-the Bagrati Cathedral in Kutaisi (1003), Svetitskhoveli’s new building in Mtskheta (1010-1029), and the Alaverdi Saint George in Kakheti (1030-1030)-all created in this period reveal another great change. The 10th-century architects were fond of incorporating many separate elements into the entire form. Several “formulae” are also being developed. The masters have more refined forms and ways at their disposal, but there is still much to discover. The “Samtavro”, Mtskheta’s second-third of the 11th century, and the cathedral at Samtavisi (1030), are both erected at this stage. The Georgian architects created a standard form for cathedrals that was a part of the Georgian tradition for many centuries.
Modern and Post-modernist Arts in Georgia
It is likely that the Persian style was used to build the Tbilisi royal palaces in the 17th and 8th centuries. The vivid creativity is more clearly visible in secular or “semisecular”, buildings. A number of bell-towers that were used as gateways or dwelling places, for example, are a testament to the talent and skill of distinguished architects (see bell-towers in Ninotsminda, Tbilisi Anchiskhati and Urbnisi). The Persian influence is not felt in dwelling places, although it can be seen that they have a personal approach and are capable of creating new forms. However, the 18th-century houses (e.g. The signs that will continue to develop in the 19th century are evident in bishop-Saba’s palace in Ninotsminda.
The country was ravaged by World War 1 (1918-1921), and no major construction could have been started during its brief period of independence. However, a few buildings were still built and some architectural ideas were born. After Georgia’s Soviet Republic became a Soviet Republic, one part of the work (the creation of general plans for cities and towns, as well as the decoration of Tbilisi’s Georgian History Museum’s facade) was completed. The Soviet period had a different significance for architecture than any other branch in life or culture. One, Georgia saw a rise in the number of its cities, towns, and villages. Modern methods of building buildings were used, and Georgia was able to build many different types of buildings.
Final Thoughts: Georgian Art
What’s more, Georgia, which was established in 1922 by the Tbilisi Academy of Arts has had her own professional architects since 1920. However, several generations of Georgian architects were severely hindered by Soviet management. This included the centralization and mechanical understanding of “heritage” from 1930-1950’s. It was difficult to regain the true inner relationship to the national tradition and share the achievements of 20th-century world architecture. It is because of this that you can see so many shabby looking settlements and areas in “Today” Georgia. This is also why so many of our old cities have turned into so much trouble. While there was no doubt that there were many notable buildings in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as later, it is clear that the Soviet era has created more problems than successes for creative work.
The Georgian architecture has recently regained independence, so it is hard to predict which direction they will choose. There are already new trends, such as the revival of church buildings. The revival of the church building. Private buildings are becoming more common. We can now see the signs that different, free-thinking is possible after we have gotten rid of the wasteful planned construction. The new word in architecture must still be spoken by the Georgian architects of today and tomorrow.